"Alien Spaceship"-- This I will actually be presenting at my artshow later in the year and the first time I have ever drawn a silhouette. One of my favorite illustrations, I took advantage of all of perks of Photoshop. Instead of just coloring only, I also added a few special effects.
Protester being dragged away by policemen during the Civil Rights Movement
I can't believe after all that black people went through to have the right to vote African American Pastors are telling Christians to stay home on Election Day. This is due to Obama's belief that gays should marry, and Romney being part of the Mormon faith. How silly, and what a waste of time the Civil Rights Movement would of been if African Americans are urged to stay home because of this. Personally I do not think anyone should stay home during election day. It is a day in which we can voice our choice. Obama is not only for the rights of gays but also for women, students with loans, and middle class Americans.
My favorite characters of all time "Nik & Mike", cartoon I created while in college. the characters have a changed a little as well as the story line. Picture depicts them protesting something, to a certain extent I was making fun of myself. "Pebbs" is actually me, my friends and family call me that for short. I wanted to have a lack of color in this picture to give it more of a late 1960's feel to it.
It is not a huge secret that obesity is a huge issue in the United States. Fast food is readily available, we all have become so busy and engulfed in our jobs we barely have time to cook or exercise. Children no longer want to go out and ride their bikes or play "Hide N Seek" but would rather stay home and play video games or surf the internet.
Mayor Michael Bloomberg, has made it a point to ban large sugary drinks over 16 ounces in public places in New York City. He came to this decision of course because of the high obesity rates. So is banning large sugary drinks in restuarants, cafeterias, and concession stands really going to lower the obesity rates? Sodas, iced coffees loaded with sugar, and frappuccinos are not the only thing that is leading to the high obesity rate. In fact it is only a small fraction of it. What about fast food, lack of exercise, cable television? It is amazing how many channels we can now get, of course wouldn't that be a distraction from exercising?
People are going to do whatever they want to do regardless. Anyone can easily grab a two liter of soda and drink that at home, amongst other foods that they can indulge in. I am not a fan of soda or sugary drinks, but I do think that people should make their own choices and we should not make it for them. Someone drinking a lot of soda does not affect anyone else. It almost reminds me of State Seatbelt Laws. If someone decides not to wear their seatbelt, it only hurts them and no one else.
Personally I think we should focus on other more important things rather than sugary drinks, but that is just me.
It amazes me so much how much this man has flipflopped on Obamacare. What amazes me in the first place, was that he passed the health mandate in Massachusetts. Of course I would know, I live in Massachusetts, all of us here have to have health insurance and if we do not we get penalized during tax time. What is funny about Mitt Romney, he was so adamant about the fact of Obamacare being a tax and how he was going to repeal it. Then recently, says he would like to keep parts of it. So which is it? Below I have a two video clips, one of him saying he would repeal Obamacare if he gets elected, the other saying he would keep "parts of it".
And now.....
So I guess it is safe to say he agrees with the president?