Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Half Baked Journal Magazine Cover

My illustration made the front cover of Half Baked Literary Journal Issue 2!
Check out the link below!!!

Illustration title: "Paris"

Half Baked Magazine Illustration Cover

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Footworks Magazine profile

Check out my artist profile in Footworks Magazine- under

I am about the 41st person down.. there are dozens of artists featured.!footwork-magazines-artist-high/galleryPage

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Sunday, December 30, 2012

"Whirlwind" Illustration "How Does it Feel" Music Video

"Whirlwind" Illustration
Ever done this? Or experienced it before? I wanted to have a hectic background and convey the emotions of the couple. Being that they are in a passionate moment, it is just them, and all else seems far away or a blur. I wanted hot colors to show the lust, and desire.
As for the music video below, what better to go with this illustration than D'Angelo's "How does it feel" video. Good lyrics, and at that time what a nice body he had in this music video. I found myself drooling after two minutes of watching it.