Thursday, August 9, 2012

Gun Control- An American Myth

From Kent State, the shooting in Aurora Colorado, to the Trayvon Martin case, the United States is notorious worldwide for its gun violence and mass shootings. When it comes to weapons, guns are the most popular in the country. The problem has been ignored for so long by the government, mainly because of the the second amendment, right to carry laws, and intimidation of the NRA.

Despite laws to enforce background checks amongst others to attempt to make it more safe for usage of a gun, it has often still  ended up in the hands of people with a criminal background.  The man who wounded fifty-nine people and killed twelve at the Aurora Colorado movie theater, easily obtained a heavy amount of ammunition amongst other weapons via internet. What makes it all the more disturbing is he obtained them legally. Over and over again the government has failed to prevent these mass shootings from happening and affecting the lives of innocent citizens. It is safe to say gun control is non-existent in the country- if it were so, it would not be so easy to obtain a gun.

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