Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Women who murder, a growing trend in America

The innocent cute girl who grew up in the suburbs, attractive, trendy dress, very feminine, doesn't look like the type to hold an axe does she? The whole point I was trying to make is that you just never know a person, it doesn't matter how innocent, or cute they are, you just don't know of who is capable of doing what. Which is one of the things that makes life scary, not knowing who you are going to run into, or what kind of person they are. Some people get married or are in long-term relationships only to find out that that person they were with for so long, is not who they thought they are.

Monday, July 30, 2012


The title of this is: "Untitled". There are a few things going on here but for the most part I wanted to convey the desperation of someone in trouble. The body language of the individual shows humbleness and complete surrender and of course he is on the roof of a church.  The leaves blowing and the coming of a storm adds more drama to the picture.  I wanted to capture what it is like to lean on faith and to be in such desperation during a situation. Which mostly everyone can relate to. Most Americans lean on some kind of spirituality to bring them through the day or through life. So this brings me to the next question as to why media, or the society tends to only bring up spirituality or the existence of God during times, actually not
even during, after the fact of a tragedy?


Political cartoons from award winning artists on the link below... hope you are up to date with what is going on in the political world... I thought I was... but some of them had me a little stumped...

Sunday, July 29, 2012

BREAKING UP is hard to do

 This is not the nicest illustration that I have done. But I notice I keep  saying that about almost every picture so far. Obviously this picture is about a breakup. At the time when I did this illustration, I was of course going through one. It was the hardest break up so far that I had to deal with. I think the artwork not only captures the pain and frustration of what a break up entails... but also for the most part, the bitterness, and bad taste it leaves in your mouth for a while and never seems to go away for a long time. Which I assume this picture is showing the viewer how bitter I was, it just seems like these break ups get worse and worse.  Especially when you have given the relationship your all, genuinely loved the person, and maybe in some cases after giving your best that person betrays you. Whatever that may be. Don't get me wrong, I most definitely did not want to hurt him, I was just expressing myself the best way I could. I swear.

  • 71% of people say they think about their ex too much; narrowed to singles the figure goes up to 81%
  • - 76% of women and 70% of men have looked up an ex on the internet
  • Reasons Women Gave for Breaking Up
    26 percent Too many arguments and conflicts
     18 percent No chemistry
     14 percent Found a better guy
     11 percent He cheated
     11 percent He wouldn't commit
     9 percent He wasn't husband material
  •         Most breakups are announced on Mondays
  •         People like to start the summer being single

The effects of Cartoon Violence on Children: Fact or Fiction???

I drew this picture for my job, it was actually a poster letting everyone know that we were having a Halloween party. Some of my artwork does have blatant violence or kind of hints around it, this one is a perfect example although it there is no violent act. I mainly do it because for some reason it is the edgy stuff that catches the attention  of the audience no matter what age. For the most part if I could be honest, it is the first thing that comes to my mind. People like to tell me that apparently I am angry about "something". Is it that? Or is it the tons of horror movies I have watched over the years? Or, maybe it is the violent cartoons I was exposed to  right?

Looney Tunes was my favorite cartoon of all time growing up, it is also one of the most violent amongst countless others that appear to be innocent. It is said that violent cartoons are part of the reason for aggressiveness and violence in children. So is that really the case? Let me see, so it isn't the bloody, machete driven horror movies we have out today? It isn't a violent home perhaps or maybe even aggressive parents? When was the last time we heard of the fact that a machine gun shooting manic, or axe waving sociopath that committed a brutal murder say that they did it because of cartoons...???


  • 90% of children from violent homes witness their fathers beating their mothers.
  • Abused children are arrested by the police four times more often than nonabused children.
  • The overall youth homicide rate dropped in 1997, but the rate among small town and rural youth increased by 38 percent.
  •                             Two-thirds of Hollywood films released in 2001 were rated “R.”
  • Nearly 75 percent of violent scenes on television feature no immediate punishment for or condmendation of violence.

The level of violence during Saturday morning cartoons is higher than the level of violence during primetime. There are 3-5 violent acts per hour in prime time, versus 20-25 acts per hour on Saturday morning.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Love, Romance--How Important Is it?

Flowers, candy, long walks on the beach, the Knight and Shining Armor, it is all we women think about. Romance is the key to make the initial part of a relationship work. Most people would agree. Just exactly how vital is it to a relatioship and where does the line get drawn to where it becomes kind of... I don't know.. silly. Personally, I do like flowers, I do love a nice, polite, respectful man, someone with morals.. but that is where I draw the line. I don't need candles, or someone to read me poetry over the fireplace. I guess I stand in the minority right? Maybe I am just a cynic, I really don't think romance is as vital to a relationship as love. What if someone is very romantic but there is no love in the relationship? Is that to say, that romance is more important?

  •  Percentage of those who leave their spouses that then go on to marry the person they were having an affair with: 10

Dedicated to my cousin---TO: ASHLEY-- YOU BETTER HAVE READ THIS.... :-)

Friday, July 27, 2012


 The love of art tends to start at a young, tender age. Above is an illustration by my cousin David, age 12, from Virginia Beach. The mediums used is colored pencil, graphite pencil, and marker--title "Queen of Hearts".  Per David, it is a happy picture... so I figured if it is a happy picture, there has to be a happy music video to go with it. And here I am, thinking that I was the only family member who listened to rock music. Good job David!

"Children need models more than they need critics."



Can I just please be honest and say what a few of my favorite things are? I love to look at a cute guy, and I love cupcakes.... Which is what spawned this artwork. You see women exploited all the time for the pleasure of the men's eyes...so I figured... hey... why not turn the tables just a little bit. If society allows for men to express their love for women in magazines, music videos, artworks, advertisements.. then maybe as a female, I can turn around and do the same thing with this illustration below.
  • At least 50 percent of sexually active men and women will have a genital HPV infection at some point in their lives---http://www.livescience.com/11387-10-surprising-sex-statistics.html



Year when MTV, Music Television, launched: 1981
  •     The first female "rock" artist to be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame: Tina Turner, in 1991

ARTWORK--( left)
Another one of my artworks expressing my LOVE in music. My main character NIK is rockin' the sunglasses with the guitar. I just had to have the 70's background being that my characters are dressed like they are in that particular decade. The flowers I was able to add through photohop. I wish I knew how to play the guitar just like my characters. I can't believe after all these years I don't know how to play. I once sold my acoustic guitar to buy art supplies... never bought another.